sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

Tão novo, mas tão antigo, tão velho ...

É assim que me sinto.
Justamente, e simplesmente, desse jeito.

Não existe nada, e nada existe ...

As perguntas são tantas que as atitudes geralmente deixam de ter algum (ou qualquer que seja!) valor.

Do quê adianta nobreza nesse mundo, tão plebeu?
Do que adianta sinceridade, nesse mundo tão falso?
Do que adianta sabedoria, nesse mundo tão inconsequente?
Do que adianta alegria, neste mundo cercado de pseudo-felicidade?
Do que adianta procurar a verdade, se ela não existe?
Do que adianta a vida, ante a morte?

Do que adianta pensar ...

Se sentir único, tão só, tão a parte, e não se achar ...
Fazer sua parte pelos outros, mas não encontrar a sua ...
É um caminho sem traçado(e não-traçado!) ...
É um túnel escuro; sem a luz no fim.

Não me acho aqui, nem ali.
Não me vejo lá, nem cá.

Onde posso estar?
Quem será que pode me encontrar?

O tempo me perde ...
E eu me perco dele ...

2 comentários:

JWL disse...

You are an *old Soul* as I have said for numerous years...

and you THINK TOO MUCH! lol omfg mister,my mind is in a whirl with all these questions and questions!

Dunno (I wonder once again) if the translater is doing your mind wanderings justice in what I am reading here sooooo I will be simply brief and clear in my own words and perception....

GET OUT AND RIDE MOTO ASAP =D! Look around at the beauty of just the surroundings you are in..(Please stop moto first and than look around to avoid any more scars on that bod of yours ;-P). Stop,close eyes,take a deep breath and don't let yer mind wander if just for a moment...

Yes the world as we know it,is inconsistent and lacks of real genuine anything except maybe confusion and wonderings. There is fake and deceiving and insincerity all over in every Country,every Faith and every people. Thank gawd for nature for it is the simplistic,the real and honesty we seek inside and out.

I went to a funeral recently of an old Family friend that was percieved by most as a *hard and Strong,no nonsense kinda human*. I was blown away by her Family (who she was estranged from for almost 15 years),and the few people whose lives she touched). They gave her a tribute that was so touching althou she was known as unfeeling to aquaintances. I cried at the words the 6 people spoke on someone I felt was rather uncomfortable in this world for most of her 47 years. It made me think that I hope at my end in this world that I would aspire to have just a handful of intimates words,no matter how long I live, to celebrate any amount of inspiration I gave in such heartfelt way as I witnessed there.....I believe if we live our life being *true to ourselves* somehow,somewhere,we touch another in some way,known or unknown, and that makes me smile....

F.Z. disse...

You are so right, and I so say like you.
The last words from you here, would be the same for me.

I live that way ...
And I've wrote once, that all that may rest is our words, the inspiration that we leave, and some old memories.

Being someone to a special person is just everything you might want.
There is no other imporantance in final. No need to let everyone know ... not quantity, but intensity ( and, ya, that may signify quality! ).

Yea, yea.
I may say a lot about it, but you said it all with a few words, and I'm just letting you know that you are 100% correct Jew.

And I guess, yes, the translator may give the correct things in this post.
I wrote something with a common language and meaning.

So, yes, that's how my mind wander sometimes, and I'm just like it!

Hahahaha, but yaya!
You're right.
I'm a mix of all these.
I look at the sorroundings and just ... let my eyes see without much to wander.
I can live in a "peaceful" mood too. Hahahaha, tho that is hard to find.

Anyway ... I have to talk, and talk what I feel like in these times here.
Not that I feel relieved by it, but it's nice to let - including myself - people that may be caring about me know.

It's my lil part of sharing ...
It's my petition that they share with me.

And yes, I'm completely satisfied that you write here.
