Sometimes you feel so much.
That not feeling anything is just the only option to stay (and to keep standing).
And - you know - it might be the best way to just continue.
No one really answers or really cares about anything else than themselves - that's the nature of it all.
And, no problem at all!
As long as you are able - and viable - to watch yourself out in this manner - it might just work.
Could. But, mostly, couldn't - complete or compete.
And you simply know...
Trying sometimes is not even necessary. Anymore.
Even if you got used to it.
Take a step back. Maybe two. Or three. It doesn't matter.
Find yourself.
Gather yourself back and get going.
With just what is pretty much necessary - even if there is nothing necessary (or possible) at the moment.
Some other time you will find a lack - or maybe a slack - that will move forward.
Keep always in mind.
Life is only once. Even though we aren't the only ones doing that.
Remember, the flow of life can't escape from your hands.
And no matter where you are - or who you are (or are being), fulfilling a will, a call or even a passion is ok.
Nothing wrong with that.
And there is no escape. We are bound to live (not just to exist)!
Regardless with the fact that we share it or not.
Keep always in heart.
The moments that count - and what really counts, is what matters.
"O importante é o que de fato importa."
That's got to be the way.
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